There is, in fact, a downside to cobblestones.

I realize this is turning into a fashion blog and I apologize, but let's be honest, one of the main reasons I came out here was for the new wardrobe. Never wear heels when you are walking across the city on cobblestone sidewalk. This happens quite often because D.C. is so darn historic they haven't changed the sidewalks since forever so there is a lot of cobblestone and brick making up my pathway, and because we wear business attire and I like wearing heals. The deadliness of this combination dawns on me almost daily as my heals get stuck in crack after crack. I can feel the fake wood layer around the pointed heal getting scrunched up. Then I can sense the little rubber part on the bottom of the heal literally twist like nails on a chalk board. Then the bottom of the shoe wears out and I'm looking at a $15 trip to the cobbler for some repairs. Bright side: I can say I've been to a cobbler.

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